Sunday, July 09, 2006

July "Iron Man Challenge"

Over the July 4th weekend I was hating my job so I ended up watching TV and playing poker all weekend. Three days into I realized I could probably pull off at least the Bronze Iron Man. After 9 days of it, let me assure you that it's quite a grind--especially at .25/.50. It takes about 3 hours a day to get 50 points , and that's a bit hard when you're working 14+ hous a day.

My goal, if I had any, was to play out the full Iron Man at .25/.50 with the $60 I had deposited. That meant I had three things had to happen 1) I had to control situations where I tilt; 2) I couldn't play in the FTF room; and 3) I couldn't take a bad beat while I only had 1 buy-in.

Number 3 worked out, no bad beats fortunately. Number 2 is a bit easier because FTP has screwed up the room listings and the FTF room is rarely available, but I did manage to donk of $10 in AIOF.

As for tilt, I just have two rules: If I go down 40% in a session I quit so I don't chase losses, and if I get up more than 100% I quit as well. The second rule probably isn't the greatest, but I have a bad habit of playing way too greedy when I get up big. Until I can fix that I'll just end the session.

Summary so far:

Total Hands: 2,402
Amount won: $143.60
BB/100 Hands: 5.98

Oh, and I don't have more than one beer while I'm playing either. That's helped, just a little. I was up to 13BB/100 Hands at 2,000 hands, but a few bad sessions capped by one horrendous beat where I missed out on $140 pot knocked me down. I had the nut straight on the turn and I got the guy all in with his top two pair (AK). He rivered an Ace. I steamed after that, pretty rare for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, if you'd told me your three-part plan I woulda tried to convince you to get the hell off the drunken AIOF table! -EV for certain, especially when we have to play a public table and don't have all the seats under control!

git 'er done!

9:08 PM, July 09, 2006  
Blogger Steven said...

Thanks Z. Unfortunately I was stone cold sober and still couldn't win. My fault though, there's no way I should have gone all-in with TT with a big stack still to act.

10:00 PM, July 09, 2006  

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